Winning Responsibly
Our Strategic Fields of Action
As an industry leader we aim to set new benchmarks for social and environmental responsibility. Within our CR-activities, we are focussing on the following strategic pillars that support our vision: to be the most innovative and conscientious provider of responsible entertainment worldwide.
NOVOMATIC Story "My Responsibility"
We firmly believe that joint action can lead to sustainable change. Whether as a firefighter in production planning or as a project manager in harmony with nature: we at NOVOMATIC are people with responsibility, both in our private and professional lives. Each and every one of us plays a part in the company's long-term success. Because it is the people who make a company.
Our Highlights

G4 player protection standard certifications in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Malta, Spain, Italy

18.350 employees trained in anti-corruption

53 % total
38 % in management positions

Photovoltaic systems in Austria, Spain, Italy, Romania, North Macedonia, Poland, Australia and Germany
ESG Ratings
ESG (environmental, social and governance) activities are becoming increasingly important as decision-making criteria for investors and financial executives. Similar to the financial performance assessment of companies, the external ESG ratings are also gaining in significance. NOVOMATIC is in close dialogue with investors, banks and insurance companies. We actively involve our stakeholders and maintain open and transparent communication in order to promote the sustainable development of our company.

In this year's Environmental, Social, Governance Study by PwC Austria, the international gaming technology group NOVOMATIC is ranked first in the industry for its sustainability performance, making it one of the top performers in the industry.

Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries to take action for sustainability.
At NOVOMATIC, we actively pursue these goals and see it as our responsibility to work towards a better future. The SDGs are our guidelines, influencing our actions and decisions. We are proud to contribute to environmental protection and a more sustainable world.
Contact & Downloads
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