At NOVOMATIC, we are active participants in society and take responsibility. Together, we make a valuable contribution to society through sponsorships, donations and volunteer work.

Measures & Principles
Key topics on which we are taking action:
- Sponsoring, donations & volunteering
We take responsbility:
- We make an important contribution to society through sponsorships, donations and volunteering.
- We see ourselves as active and responsible citizens, investing in the community.
- We support valuable partnerships and sustainable initiatives.

Dialogue with Stakeholders
At NOVOMATIC, we consider a transparent and open dialogue with all of our stakeholders to be a central element of our corporate responsibility (CR) activities.
In order to ensure a comprehensive exchange, we communicate with our stakeholders in a variety of ways. This includes direct discussions, participation in working groups, the organization of workshops and events. We also provide information via reports, on our website and use social media as communication channels.
We actively engage in dialogue on CR-relevant topics with the following stakeholders:
- American Gaming Association (AGA) and Responsible Gambling Collaborative
- European Gaming and Amusement Federation (EUROMAT) in the Working Group on Social Responsibility
- United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
- respACT – austrian business council for sustainable development
- Environmental, Social und Governance Rating Agencies
- Local and international player protection experts and research institutions
- Numerous local business platforms, associations and interest groups
- Gaming Standard Association
- Industriellenvereinigung Österreich
- Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
- Österreichischer Buchmacherverband
- Public Relationsverband Austria

Sponsoring Activities & Partnerships
Sponsorship is an essential part of entering into valuable partnerships with worthy initiatives and partners. In this way, we fulfill our social responsibility and help to promote positive change in the community.
Sponsorship focus:
- Sports and competition
- Prevention and player protection
- Arts and culture
- Strengthening the economy
Selection criteria:
- International and regional connection
- Promotion of education and talent
- Long-term cooperation before short-term activism

As part of our social commitment, we at NOVOMATIC also support non-profit organizations. For all donations and grants, we place great importance on ensuring that these funds are used for the intended purpose and that the greatest possible impact is guaranteed.
Donation focus:
- Urgent help
- Help for self-help
- Regionality
Selection criteria:
- Certification with a donation seal of quality
- Transparency concerning the use of funds
- Long-term nature and scope of the effect
Due to the large number of sponsorship and donation requests that NOVOMATIC receives, we consistently follow these guidelines. In this way, we can ensure that our support makes a sustainable contribution.
Your Request
Strict protection of minors:
As a gaming company, we provide a sensitive service that requires us to act in a particularly responsible manner. This includes a clear commitment to the protection of minors.
- According to our strict donation and sponsorship policies, we are unable to support any sponsorship projects targeting children and young adults, including any form of projects involving children and young people.
Please provide the following information with your request:
- An applicable donation or sponsorship focus (see above)
- The total amount of the requested support in euros
- The long-term nature and social impact of the project to be supported
Please send your requests exclusively to Each request will be checked for suitability for sponsorship and donations and answered as quickly as possible.
Further information on this area of activity can be found in the current annual report.